
Fashion is all I see, all I feel when I am in New York. Just a couple of weeks ago I basically became fashion. While walking the streets with a couple of friends, I saw a young lady carrying an amazing structured bag. I said to my best friend, “That bag is hot!”

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Fearlessness To Be Honest

Today I had an interesting conversation with a very good friend of mine. To be quite honest the residual effect of that conversation continued to plague me until I picked up my laptop at this very moment and  started to hit the keys. The problem for most people and I mean people I interact with daily is the path to true self acceptance.
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The Journey Continues

The journey of trying to figure it all out is one thing that adamantly drives me crazy. I have realized that time and time again I write about solutions to find my happy, solutions for you to find your happy and yet day in a day out I realize that I am not fully enjoying the moment.. That moment I speak of  is life. So no more, am I going to invest so much time and energy in trying to figure it all out. The truth of the matter is that no matter how hard I wreck my brain, I can never truly  know what tomorrow will bring, all I can do is prepare myself as much as possible for the future I hope to see.

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Been a While

Oh wow! I cant believe its been this long since I have written, However, it feels so great to be back.

A lot has changed since my last post new city, new job, new friends and just all around an amazing time. To be quite honest before I moved to this new city, quite frankly COLD city, known as Minneapolis, I cried the whole drive here. I kept thinking to myself, I am absolutely going to hate this place. I mean quite frankly I call it (Bumafuck) Minnesota for crying out loud. But boy oh boy was I wrong. It was by far the best decision I have ever made. Minneapolis represents so many things for me like strength, perseverance, dedication and hard work. Continue reading “Been a While”

A Night with Ms Dubose!

By Julia Toles

A night with Ashley Dubose! Saturday night at the Cabooze, Ashley shy fully, charmingly, and gracefully transition her way through original songs and covers during her live performance. With a voice so unique, this phenomenon is effortless when performing.  Humbly engaging with the crowd it is truly hard for one to not to fall in love with her music.  Her voice is reminisce of Corrine Bailey and style and influence of Lauryn Hill.  Her personal style is earthy, Afro centric, and free which is a fitting representation of her Music.  Her band is seemingly diverse and talented; they were able to play any requests from the audience on queue.  Actively listening and moving to the rhythm one could easily forget they were standing during her entire set. Continue reading “A Night with Ms Dubose!”

Not Yet My Turn

I look to the sky and I keep asking why me? As I tirelessly search for my dream. That dream, that I dream through the day and through the night. I wonder when will it be my turn… I have all these ideas roaming through my mind, a piece of my most treasured art sitting on a drive…waiting to be seen..I ask when as I search for my diminishing faith to build me up and remain. Where do I turn? Continue reading “Not Yet My Turn”

How do you make it in America?

The thought of following a dream, chasing that dream, holding on to that dream when only I can see it, happens to be the most agonizing, gut-wrenching, often times the disappointing feeling of hope. America? I don’t know! America, the land of the hopeful! America the place where dreams come true! America the land of hustle Flows! America oh, oh, oh, how do you make it in America? Continue reading “How do you make it in America?”